Apalachee Arrives at Cleveland Lakefront Dock

The former U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Apalachee (WYTM-71) arrived in Cleveland from Erie, Pennsylvania on Sunday, May 31, completing the final leg of her four-day journey from Oswego, New York. The Coast Guard Tug Association, which acquired the Apalachee earlier this year, hopes to restore and open the Apalachee as a maritime museum at the old Coast Guard station on Cleveland’s Whiskey Island near the entrance to the harbor.

The 110-foot Apalachee, commissioned in Brooklyn, New York on November 26, 1943, was assigned to Baltimore where she served for most of her career. She was transferred to Portland, Maine in 1984, where she served until being decommissioned on April 11, 1986. She has spent the last 20 years as a civilian tug around Oswego Bay on Lake Ontario. Tugboat owner Thomas Kowal donated the cutter to the tug association in January 2009.

Apalachee Related Web Sites

U.S. Coast Guard Tug Association
U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Apalachee Maritime Museum
U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Apalachee History

Articles from the Cleveland Plain Dealer

Whiskey Island Coast Guard Station repairs kept quiet by Cleveland (May 29, 2009)
Coast Guard cutter Apalachee to find new life here as a museum (June 1, 2009)

Click on each image to view a larger version
USCG Cutter Apalachee enters Cleveland harbor accompanied by the Coast Guard Auxiliary
The Apalachee approaches the Coast Guard pier – the Neah Bay and Goodtime III are visible in the background
The Apalachee ties up at the Coast Guard moorings at the foot of East Ninth Street
The Apalachee was moved to Port Authority Dock 28, just west of Cleveland Browns Stadium, on Monday, June 1st

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